The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom full Game PC


Download The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom full Game PC

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Nintendo's biggest icons have returned to the fore again after an absence of years.. What it previously presented was able to direct the industry towards a new, innovative wave of games, from which the largest studios drew many ideas in their games, and even those titles ended up in the awards of the year! Welcome to our The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom review.

And with a big question about what it will present again after a period of creative stagnation in the industry.. Nintendo surprises us again with its innovative ideas outside the box in the new Zelda title, Tears of the Kingdom. Do we see the emergence of a new wave in the industry? Let's find out together through this review, which we hope you like.

Tears of the Kingdom is a continuation episode of Link's journey with Princess Zelda towards new horizons of challenges in a kingdom above the clouds, in which Link and Zelda travel to the far reaches of the kingdom of Hyrule to discover a new threat to her world..and again, she goes on a journey to search for The princess has been kidnapped and it is up to you to save the world.

playing style
Let's go directly to the gameplay, since it is the most prominent and most anticipated aspect of it.

Tears of the Kingdom gets off to an exciting start unlike its predecessor, Breath of the Wild, where I still critique its tedious start and sometimes incomprehensible explanations of its mechanics and gameplay.. It felt as though Nintendo listened to whispers of my criticism and tried really hard to focus on delivering the opening start. In the best way!

Tears of The Kingdom puts extra effort into the early hours of the game, ensuring you understand the basics of the game's new mechanics, and makes use of a smattering of side characters to help with practical explanations as well. The interesting thing here is that even if you skip a character that explains a feature, you will find a character in another area that offers you the option to re-explain the feature, to actually ensure that you are ready to face the world and fully armed with understanding the new capabilities of Link, which revolve around 4 main abilities:
⬆️ Ultrahand ✋ - Fuse ⚡ - Rewind 🕝 - Ascend

Nintendo has proven its great creative ability by creating unique and completely out of the ordinary capabilities. It feels as if Nintendo is bringing its ideas from another world that is not ours.. However, what may raise the question now with new games is whether it is just introducing “new ideas.” “It does not mean that it is used well, but the matter here takes another direction. Not only did you employ the capabilities in the best possible way with the game world, but also you devoted a double effort to open the way for your own creativity and take your unique way of playing!

There is no limit to your imagination ✨
After watching Nintendo's demonstration of Link's new ability to combine resources together, I immediately felt suspicious, what am I going to make? How do I know what I will need to make? But as soon as I tried the game and opened my ✋Ultrahand and ⚡Fuse features from the early hours, I found myself making a lot of random things. And the most amazing thing is that they were all successful ideas!!

For example, you merged a tree branch with a wooden board and resulted in an air fan, or you added a flamethrower to the sword and made it a flamethrowing sword, which also eliminates the use of other resources to light the fire! The matter does not stop here.. I was also able, with several wooden planks, to build a small hut that would protect me from the enemies! And a lot of the great possibilities that my abilities ✋Ultrahand and ⚡Fuse put in front of you.

On the other hand, we see a fundamental difference in the capabilities of ⬆️ Ascend and 🕝 Rewind
Which depends on using it to move between areas in innovative ways, such as diving inside rocks to reach the roofs using ⬆️ Ascend or by climbing on some moving equipment and using 🕝 Rewind to reach the other side. The idea may seem simple from these abilities, but they have been employed with distinction in the game world, so you will not believe how creative you can do them.

With a simple illustrative example.. You may encounter, for example, a high-altitude area and there is no way to access it! But there are a few planks next to you, what are you going to do with them? I used the ✋Ultrahand feature to raise the planks above the roof of the raised area with half of the planks sticking out.. Then I used ⬆️ Ascend towards the protruding half of the planks and went straight up to the roof!
Or when I encounter rocks falling from the sky island to the surface of the earth like rain.. I stop directly at them and climb on them, then I use the 🕝 Rewind feature to move directly to the sky island!

These are simple examples that show the great potential of creating your own ways of commuting.. which will always reward you with a sense of accomplishment when you see the success of the idea!

Nintendo has shown commendable attention in making your imagination turn into real creations that you will benefit from on your journey! It made the gameplay elements one of the most fun and exciting experiences..
As of writing this review, I just want to go back to Tears of The Kingdom to make more and more .thinks

Weapons ⚔️
This is what I was talking about earlier, with the “exciting start.” Your journey in Tears of The Kingdom will start with relatively strong equipment that makes you make your way towards enemies more easily, with the possibility of developing your weapons from the first hours in the game by means of the ⚡Fuse ability by combining it with rocks, wood, thorns, and others. To almost double the power of your weapon twice or more. This is not only about strength, but also increases the durability of weapons and makes them not easily breakable.

The ⚡Fuse feature extends to shields as well, so you can combine them with items or weapons to increase their ability to block strikes. With regard to shares, a new mechanism was introduced by merging the resources that are collected from the game world, such as fruits or members of the monsters that you kill, to add them to your shares instead of using them in cooking!

All this will give you the advantage in small fights and even big ones.. This time you will not be afraid to smash your weapons or even throw them at enemies, you will always find plenty of weapons and resources in her world to craft more and make the most of them!

Zone devices 🪫
Tears of The Kingdom also introduced a new mechanic called “Zonai Devices”, which are advanced practical pieces of hardware that derive their energy from a “battery” you carry that is presented to you at the start of the game. This battery has a limited capacity, but it automatically recharges if you stop using it, with the ability to upgrade it later in the game.

Zonai offers a wide variety of equipment, from jets or flamethrowers to winged planes, airships, and many more.. Its idea is to provide more practical ways to accomplish missions, by mounting this equipment on vehicles, weapons, or even using it with armor!

I was really afraid at the beginning that the new Zonai mechanic would add a new burden to the gameplay, but on the contrary, it made the gameplay more flexible! It adds more creative options to the player, as well as the new Link capabilities!

You may be wondering, then.. How will you transfer them to benefit from them elsewhere, since they are large pieces and moving them will be difficult, so what is the solution?
Here comes the exciting idea of the “Zonai Dispenser” to solve this problem! It is a large machine that produces small balls in the form of capsules. Inside these balls are Zonai devices that can be carried in your wallet just like the rest of the items.. and you can extract them whenever and wherever you want!

the world
Nintendo did not hesitate to continue its creativity, which extended the design of the world of the sky with its beauty, in artistic touches dominated by the yellow and gold colors with the clouds roaming around the destroyed kingdom. Scattered fringe across the sky of Hyrule, in scenes to say the least... mesmerizing!

From the first time I saw the artwork of the Heavenly Kingdom, I had a feeling similar to the beauty of the world of the Elden Ring when I saw it for the first time! I do not mean to recommend one at the expense of the other, but praise for this truly distinguished artistic approach! I hope that we will see more titles inspired by this charming artistic character.

The kingdom of Hyrule is recycled!
Tears of the Kingdom begins on Sky Island, which fascinated me with all its details, but I did not realize that I would return later to the old world in the Kingdom of Hyrule. The world of the previous part, Breath of The Wild, with the same laws as before! I pulled myself together a bit and continued on the journey of exploring its world.. I didn't stay a little while and was amazed at the great effort made to rework the ancient world on a level greater than I imagined, making the Kingdom of Hyrule in its updated version one of the most beautiful and fun open worlds in the industry!

Not only were there visual improvements in the world of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, or even the restructuring of some areas, but several new areas were added, extending to the surface, subsoil, and sky as well. With great exploitation of vast areas that were not previously more useful than crossing over them. This made me stop often and put “checkmarks” on the map of interesting and hidden places, so that I could return to them later.

And on the mention of the map, sporadic improvements have been added to it from displaying more details of the areas and adding the feature of the accurate coordinates of your location that will benefit you in a more accurate determination during exploration.

On the other hand, we find a greater focus on the element of “vitality” in its world.. For example, you will find weather factors more affecting its surroundings, and you may often see lightning striking trees and uprooting them, or hitting grass and causing fire from it.. or even sometimes it may strike enemies in Neighborhood! You will also see some of the rocks falling from the sky islands onto the ground as you move around. Or crossing the clouds near you and creating a kind of fog around you. All of this makes the revamped kingdom of Hyrule even more vibrant than it was before and among the best designed realms.

Navigation 🚡
Zelda: Tears of The Kingdom takes advantage of the diversity of regions in its world by offering different models for the methods of navigating it. You will find winged planes that you can ride in the heights to travel long distances, or ride mine carts inside the mines, to drive boats manufactured on the surface of the sea, while on the surface of the earth you will find a balloon suitable for ascending high. However, the means of transportation via horses is still present, with the addition of a new feature for upgrading in the stable.

Creativity using your imagination and abilities is closely related to means of transportation, you will need to constantly use the ✋Ultrahand feature to integrate the Zonai hardware equipment into the vehicles to make them either fly or move through the water with the possibility of adding a control wheel to the vehicle to steer it.

enemies 👻
Added a wide range of enemies to the old set of Breath of the wild. So you have to double your caution and not put your trust even in nature. As soon as you lean on a tree, you will be surprised when the tree moves from its place to attack you.. Or just when you set your foot on the ground to feel the vibrations beneath you, the earth moves from its place, and a rocky monster that you did not care about emerges from it!
There are also smart robots that make their own weapons by integrating them with the ⚡Fuse feature, which I personally recommend focusing on the quality of their weapons and trying to draw ideas from them that you did not think of.

There is also a better re-employment that includes old enemies, among many improvements in the way they are presented and exploited in the game world.. For example, you will find the “mobile thief”, which is a type of the old group of enemies that carries a large stock of resources. By killing him, you can get all his resources. Also, some of them have become wandering around the world in the manner of tribes. For example, you will find small enemies moving in rows behind a large monster, as if it is leading them.

The great variety of enemies here and the restructuring of the old ones added a lot to the “tactical” element in the fights, which made them more exciting than before!

Towers and caves 🛖
Nintendo introduced an updated idea of the towers, so instead of challenging how to climb them, the challenge became how to reach them. Some of them will require you to build a ladder to reach them, while others will require you to build a boat to cross the sea that separates you from them. With a better use of the constellations than before.. by throwing you high towards the sky, which will help you to reach the heavenly islands or to travel long distances while flying.

Caves have also been added to her world, which is the embodiment of the concept of the dungeon. They are areas with valuable treasures and powerful equipment.. In return for taking on a fierce challenge against a group of powerful monsters that stand in your way to discovering the treasure. You can identify these caves by observing the glowing rabbits that will guide you to the cave if you follow them. You have to prepare for a challenge that may drain your resources if you decide to explore it.
(There is also a “reward” waiting for you if you catch those glowing bunnies, share your experience in the comments if you manage to catch one of them..)

The Dungeon element was the most lacking element in the world of the previous part, and I always criticized the difficulty of knowing the places of the treasures scattered randomly in its world. Instead of including the Dungeons and placing treasures in them more clearly for the player in exchange for an additional challenge!
The addition of caves in Tears of The Kingdom changed the rules of the game world, and contributed greatly to improving the exploration experience and raising the ceiling of challenges as well!

The technical side 📱
Let's shed a little light on the purchasing side of Tears of The Kingdom. With the great progress made by Nintendo on the visual and technical level alike, it struggled somewhat in providing an experience that was not without problems..

You may experience a lot of frame drops and feel some lag while playing. Especially when several enemies are gathered in one place, or when you are looking at a scene with a lot of detail. Nintendo also maintained the same previous visual quality throughout its world..which you may feel exaggerated brightness or excessive blur in some areas while wandering around its world. It also continued to include the “Dynamic Resolution” feature to avoid any technical errors in return for reducing quality. Which reminds us of the capabilities of the Nintendo Switch device modest, which limits developers to exploit the capabilities of the new generation in development!

We also expect in the near future that Nintendo will begin to rectify the situation with a new device with better capabilities. With the promotion of an improved version of Tears of The Kingdom on the new platform.. as happened previously with the launch of the new generation of home appliances!

the story
We made the story section at the end of the review to prevent spoilers for those who don't want to. In general, we will touch on the basics of building the story, which will include only the first hours.. In the event that you want to avoid being spoiled, you can stop here before moving on to the next line.

In the beginning, we find Princess Zelda with Link inside a suspicious cave looking for something.. Later it turns out that Princess Zelda has discovered a mysterious kingdom that lies in the sky of the Kingdom of Hyrule! As she digs deeper into the history of this kingdom, Zelda discovers something more dangerous...the source of the "ancient technology" that originated in this kingdom!

This discovery completes a missing link in the questions posed in Breath of the wild: Where did the robots come from? What is the energy from which it derives its strength? That's what the story in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom will tell you. With a wide touch on the history of the founding of the Kingdom of Hyrule, answering many questions about it.

We also notice a significant development in the cinematic scenes, with their details and accuracy, with a greater focus on voice performance than it was previously. Although the regular dialogues will then resort to the "silent approach", relying only on biblical texts.

The story here bears a similar beginning to the previous part.. It is simply based on the emergence of a “new danger” and the “kidnapping of the princess.” Let the world stand again on your shoulders and go on a journey in search of the kidnapped princess.. Unfortunately, here I cannot overlook the vulgar level of this “sweetheart” idea in saving Princess Zelda. Who does not stay for a while and has been kidnapped from time to time illogically. For more than two decades, we've watched this idea repeated and repeated in Nintendo titles. From the classic Mario to the latest Zelda.. without updating or taking this idea to a new level! Which really makes us wonder when will this train end?

Characters 👥
We will touch here the repetition as well, as happened with the narrative side .. With the return of many familiar characters from the previous part, such as the genius scientist Purah in her new form, or the old Impa, and even the character Korok, whose idea is to provide seeds (Seeds) will return in her new look. Old characters in the story and side missions are better employed and much more fun than before. What may also make you feel that you are not being taken advantage of it correctly previously.

side stories
The side stories in Tears of the Kingdom this time featured extensive exploitation of the game world and new areas. Most of the side missions will put you in exciting parts of the world, some of which you haven't visited before. So if you really want to know the full potential of the world, you should start focusing on the side missions.

Nintendo also did not neglect to present short and sweet plots over the course of the game, in separate places in its world. Which brings you many options to kill boredom and move away from the main story, and also carry special rewards when you complete it.

In conclusion, we hope that our review of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom won your admiration, and whether it made you decide to buy it or not. We are also pleased to share with you in the comments section your opinions and your own experience about this distinguished title.

Minimum system requirements
CPU: Intel Core i7-6700K 4-Core 4.0GHz
AMD Ryzen R7 1700
OS: Win 7 64
Video Card: AMD Radeon HD 7750 1GB GDDR5
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 1GB
HDD: 20 GB

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