The Lord of the Rings - Gollum free for PC Windows



Download The Lord of the Rings - Gollum free for PC Windows

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The world of the Lord of The Rings, or as we call it in Arabic, the Kingdom of the Rings, or the Lord of the Rings, has always been the best, most interesting, and most complex world in terms of the story and the multiplicity and uniqueness of the characters in it.

The world of Lord of The Rings has been able to present 6 wonderful, very long films, along with some separate games since the launch of the Kingdom of the Rings series films, yet this world is still able to offer more films, series and games.

There is always a lot of good content, but we rarely find creativity, which is what happened with the Lord of the Rings series. This story embodied the meaning of the word creativity. The characters in this story were drawn very carefully with a genius chronological connection in the events.

Among these characters was Gollum, the character who was enslaved and controlled by the Ring and became obsessed with obtaining and keeping the Ring after the Ring destroyed her from the inside and from the outside.

The strange thing about the character of Gollum is that it was very moving events and played a very important role in the trilogy of the Kingdom of the Rings in particular, and yet it was not a heroic character, the reason may be in the way it was drawn in reprehensible or I do not know in fact, but I am sure that it is a character that affected the follower and the recipient in a very strange way.

We don't like or hate Gollum, sometimes we pity him and sometimes we think he deserves every moment of suffering because of his black heart from the start.

Now we are in front of the Lord of The Rings Gollum game, which is a very unique game because it is a game whose events revolve around the character of Gollum, to the extent that he is the hero of the game and he is the character you control.

The game comes to us from the development of the Daedalic Entertainment team and is published by Nacon, and it is supposed to be launched on May 25th on PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PS4, PS5, and it will be launched on the Nintendo Switch platform at a later time.

As I mentioned, the idea of the game is very unique. Here we play with a reprehensible monster, which has many flaws. We also know Gollum's character, as he is weak and cunning, so how will he be a hero in the game?

Luckily, the Arab Hardware team was able to try the game in a gaming session through which we were able to get to know the game more deeply and learn a lot of information about it, and now we are here today to talk about the most important observations resulting from our quick experience of the game.

But before we start, it must be emphasized that this entire article was written based on a quick experience of some isolated game events and does not reflect any final evaluation or even initial impressions.

Lord of The Rings Gollum's story sticks to the original events

The Lord of The Rings Gollum game is completely based on the original events found in the novels of the famous writer J.R.R. Tolkien and it is clear that the events of the game cover all the time period between The Hobbit and the Kingdom of the Rings.

So - and I don't think I'm spoiling now - in our game Gollum has already been disfigured by the dark power of the Ring and has already lost it at the hands of Bilbo Baggins and is now seeking the Ring.

During my experience of the game, I was exposed to separate parts of the game covering the first, fourth, and seventh chapters as I remember, and it is clear that the story takes our hero to all the world of Middle Earth, so expect interviews with well-known characters from the movies and play in famous areas of this wonderful world.

Lord of The Rings Gollum has its own character
The game adheres to the original events in the novels, not in the movies, so the characters in the game have a different look than the characters in the movies, despite the similarity of names.

For example, without any spoilers for any events, the game has the character Gandalf the Gray, but it has a different design than the Gandalf that we know from the movies, because the game here has its own property rights and did not depend on the famous characters from the movies.

Also, the game made it clear that there are original characters of its own, and during my experience I saw some of these characters, but I will not disclose them so as not to be the cause of any kind of burning in the story, but it is noticeable in these characters that they were carefully built and it is clear that they have an influential role in the story .

Our hero is definitely mentally ill

Our hero carries within him two personalities, the first is Gollum, which represents evil, cunning and hatred, and the second is the character of Smeagol, and of course he represents goodness and the original metal of our hero before the ring took control of him.

The state of schizophrenia deals with it throughout the events of the game, where our hero enters into side conversations between his characters. In fact, the conversations were excellent, and the character's performance was legendary in every sense of the word.

Also, the game has moments where you have to choose between Smeagol or Gollum, but I really don't know how those choices can affect the gameplay.

During the first chapter of my experience, I faced this option and repeated the stage with all the available options, and the result was similar with the difference in cinematic scenes only. After that, I faced the same option while trying the rest of the chapters, but I did not test the rest of the options.

I hope that when the game is finally released, it will focus on this point and not be just an unimportant form that does not affect the gameplay and events.

Our hero is very weak, very deceitful

We all know Gollum from books or movies, the character is very weak and emaciated and has many health problems, hence in the game you don't expect any intense fighting or super skills from her.

Our hero depends on sneaking and jumping here and there in order to escape from danger and reach his goal, and even to get rid of his enemies. It's a lot like A Plague Tale Innocence where you try to escape or get rid of enemies by sneaking.

But in addition to infiltration, there is a large part based on platforming and puzzle-solving, where you must understand the path and diversify between jumps and climbing walls in order to cross from one point to another.

Regarding this matter, I have a note that I hope will be remedied before the release of the latest version. Most of the platform obstacles depend on the difficulty of control more than the difficulty of the puzzle.

We return again to A plague Tale innocence to find that the genius of the game was in the existence of the puzzle and its solution in a clever way, which gave a feeling of satisfaction after overcoming it, but in our game Lord of The Rings Gollum you understand the puzzle and understand the way to solve it, just by looking you will know that you must jump On the ledge and climb up and then move to the left and then jump back.

The puzzle is understandable and solved, but when applying, you face problems with the control itself. For example, you need to jump from a specific point, otherwise you will fall, or at some point the camera angle was very tiring, at least for me.

I hope this matter will be remedied before the final version of the game is released, and this point will be the first thing I review when the final game is released next May.

Gollum is not so ugly

I noticed this point and wanted to talk about it in this article because the developer himself touched on it through an exclusive meeting that brought together Arab Hardware and the development team.

Gollum's character in the game can be very acceptable, as it is not very ugly like the description of the novel or even like the movies, and this point was talked about by the developer himself and said that it is deliberate.

At first, the development team decided to design the Gollum relatively beautifully or not as ugly as we know in the movies, because it is the heroine character and we will play it throughout the continuous game events for about 20 hours, and therefore it would not make sense to control a disgusting character all this time and interact with it.

But the real reason for the matter is that the story here is told from the point of view of Gollum himself and not from the point of view of anyone else like Gandalf or others, and therefore when Gollum looks at himself he does not see that he is an ugly monster, Gollum fully believes that he is normal and not ugly but he Old no more.

to remember

Of course, we cannot fall into the quality of the graphics or performance in the game. What I tried was just work that was not finished yet, even the stages that you played were not finished and did not get the necessary polishing and refinement, so do not listen to any article or video that talks about the game’s graphics, whether positively or negatively. Because what we tried was very primitive.

Finally, the Lord of The Rings Gollum game looks very promising, so promising that we have to try it when it comes out in order to stand on its quality, at the same time this game has a crossroads either that it is an excellent game or it is a failure and we forget it as if it did not come, anyway we will know The result when the game is released next May.


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